The mission of the Mark Felice Foundation is to aid families and research in the fight against childhood cancer.OUR PROJECTSThe Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund is focused on these goals in order to aid the community fight childhood cancer: DELL CHILDREN'S TEEN ROOMOur next project is to focus on teens who are battling cancer. We will fund a teen room at Dell Children's Hospital. The purpose is for a place of relaxation for teens to hang out when they are isolated due to suppressed immune systems and under treatment. It will be used as a quiet room for teens to relax as well as a space for Child Life to have events for teenagers to socialize. EMERGENCY RELIEFThe emergency relief fund was a yearly fund given so that social workers, doctors, and nurses could identify specific needs of patients and their families. These families could then receive aid in order to solve problems so that they could focus on their children's health. Money has been given to many different areas not covered by insurance. We have given money for medications, beds to come home to recuperate, shoes, and lunch money after long days in the clinic.SOCIAL SERVICES LIASONThe Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund is supporting a social worker between Children's Cancer Clinic and Dell Children's Hospital. This social worker will focus on patients and their families so that there is no disconnect between the Clinic and the Hospital. The goal is that parents can stay focused on their children's wellness while someone is looking out for the family's needs during the process.RESEARCHWe are building money to fund grants for the research of childhood cancers. In particular, we are working to fund research for the sarcomas as there is a lack of funding for these soft-tissue cancers.