Crystal Bar Soap was designed to bring self care and spiritual healing together. Our Founder discovered her love for crystals in 2015 and went through a spiritual experience, she made it her mission to bring the beauty of self care to those around her. The idea of Crystal Bar spark shortly after, the combination of adding crystals to a product already used daily was an amazing way to bring spirituality to your daily life. Our goal for Crystal Bar is to be a "bridge company", we want to help bring people over to the spiritual self care world and we strongly believe that the introduction of our soaps is the perfect way to do this. It is essential to us that we welcome people into the self care world, we want to bring not just products but education on the importance of self care. We do this through our Crystal Bar Blog. Over the next 5 years we want to continue to grow our space into a community where we celebrate life, and reconnect with our bodies and the earth. As a business we pride ourselves on being a human business, we promote self care in our workspace, individuality and connection. We want to build a business based on a new mindset, if this is something you would like to support or be a part us feel free to connect with us. All our welcome.