The Maranyundo Girls School offers economically vulnerable girls not simply access to education but academic excellence. It provides 180 students with degree-qualified teachers, small classes, teacher enrichment opportunities, and a beautiful, safe, well-equipped campus in which to learn. The school is located in Nyamata in the Bugesera District of Rwanda, an area particularly hard hit by the 1994 Genocide.The Maranyundo School offers its students an intensive program of study based on an educational philosophy that infuses the required Rwandan national curriculum with student-centered teaching strategies, activities and materials that develop critical thinking and leadership skills. The school's facilities, talented and dedicated faculty, and innovative use of technology in the classroom add further depth to the student experience.The Maranyundo School provides a safe, nurturing and inspirational environment for the girls to learn and grow into the next generation of Rwandan leaders. The Maranyundo School is deeply committed to being a school of excellence.