API consults on projects ranging from simple bathroom renovations to multi-million dollar commercial building restoration projects. With over 45 years of combined experience we offer one of the most seasoned, efficient and accurate options for these types of environmental surveys and home inspections in southern Colorado. It is critical for us to maintain a good reputation with the regulatory bodies that oversee our industry. Consequently, we have forged a strong relationship with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment as well as the individual state inspectors. This enables us to navigate complex situations or issues when they arise along with assuring we are in compliance with the associated regulatory agencies. Our XRF lead-based paint detection device which allows for the most accurate, comprehensive and cost effective method for lead-based paint examinations. We take an alternative approach to mold inspections with an emphasis on solid science -visual/olfactory inspection, moisture detection/mapping and appropriate remediation techniques. We do not subscribe to the vast array of snake oil being peddled by the majority of "mold inspectors". API advises on a case by case basis due to our approach as many people are misinformed regarding the dangers posed by various mold/fungal species. In complex cases, we consult with one of the foremost forensic industrial hygienists in Colorado from which the majority of our methodology for our inspection work has been derived. Our existing client base has chosen our firm to assume the liability of inspecting their properties and/or locating hazardous materials. We are also able to aide in navigating the challenges associated with adhering to constantly fluctuating state and federal regulations concerning these examinations.We genuinely enjoy helping clients navigate the claims process along with the associated professionals to ensure the best possible outcome from their coverage.