A podcast, a website, a life style. Are you and your significant other in business together? Then you're part of a special breed and this place is for you. We are Blaine & Honey Parker of Slow Burn Marketing LLC. We work together. And CoupleCo is a necessary by product of that effort. This is where to find all kinds of material related to being a couple in business together. Some of that includes things we wish we'd known when we first went into business together. (Witness podcast episode #26, "Arguing: How To Do It," with psychologist Dr. Rachna Jain of www.InLoveAndBiz.com.) Granted, we've done pretty well with no guidance. But there's a lot of trial & error learning. And intimate-partner dynamics. For instance, those business problems where one thinks it's about the business and the other thinks it's the end of the marriage. The goal here is useful information, tools, resources and reassurance that can speed you past the pitfalls so often "enjoyed" by a married team working together.