360JobInterview.com is a national Human Resource service offering job seekers Live Real-time one on one job coaching interviews to better prepare them when they go on their job interview. The "360" is the buzzword for getting FULL feedback in an interview. Clients can select from every job category (from Accounting, Green Jobs to Web Development) a professional HR person who is trained in interviewing job applicants. Our service is tailored to those who are now displaced from their jobs and/or those seeking their first job in this tough economy. If applicants are lucky enough to have their resume selected for the next step, which is either a telephone, or in person interview- they have a lot at stake and can't afford to make a mistake. Over 300+ nationwide seasoned HR Coaches from over 55 job categories will help take the angst out of the interview process by providing real-time professional feedback from the comfort of a client's home and guide them on how to be a stronger candidate in the interview process. The unique element of our service is that we are the only service that will provide 24/7 Real-time audio/video one on one interviews using partnered technology. The technology not only will provide audio but video which is key as our HR interviewers will be able to fully assess the candidate and provide a 360 feedback and guidance.