Jeff Hegy

Operation and Maintenance Coordinator at Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST - Lincoln, NE, US

Jeff Hegy's Contact Details
Lincoln,Nebraska,United States
Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST
Jeff Hegy's Company Details
Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST logo, Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST contact details

Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST

Lincoln, NE, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District is one of 23 NRD's that are a multi-purpose, local unit of Nebraska Government for management, development, and protection of the soil and water resources.Programs Include:* Erosion prevention and control * Prevention of damages from flood water & sediment * Flood prevention and control * Water supply for any beneficial use * Development, management, utilization & conservation of ground water and surface water * Pollution control * Solid waste disposal & sanitary drainage * Drainage improvement & channel rectification * Development & management of fish & wildlife habitat * Development & management of recreational & park facilities * Forestry & range management

Waste/Recycling/Environmental Environmental Controls Environmental Services
Details about Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Hegy
Jeff Hegy currently works for Lower Platte South NRD.
Jeff Hegy's role at Lower Platte South NRD is Operation and Maintenance Coordinator.
Jeff Hegy's email address is *** To view Jeff Hegy's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jeff Hegy works in the Environmental Services industry.
Jeff Hegy's colleagues at Lower Pltte S Ntral Rsurce DST are Shaula Ross, Steven Herdzina, Maclane Scott, Cindy Spilinek, Glenn Johnson, Dick Ehrman, Parker Robinson and others.
Jeff Hegy's phone number is 402-476-2729
See more information about Jeff Hegy