Rolling out a great seating solution, the Evolution Chair, combines core health benefits with convenience and mobility! Get fit while you sit. Visit for more info and online store. Posture Perfect Solutions is the manufacturer, importer, and wholesale distributor of the Evolution Chair. Our head office is located in Vancouver, BC with full service warehouse locations across Canada and the USA.A simple concept that works, Evolution Chair combines the core strengthening health benefits of a stability ball with the maneuverability of a rolling office chair. The Evolution Chair is simply the Best Ball Chair on the market offering a superior design that focuses on and delivers optimum health benefits. Recommended by the medical community the Evolution Chair passed rigorous testing by the Canadian Physiotherapy. We have created complimentary products for Evolution Chair users. Our lovely line of soft fabric slipcovers, called Cozys add comfort and style to your active sitting experience and are available in a variety of solids and prints. Plus, the "Just Move It" Evolution Exercise Poster has exercises that are designed to target muscle groups and parts of the body that are prone to stress and injury resulting from sitting for extended periods. By strengthening and rebalancing muscle groups, increasing endurance, flexibility and improving circulation throughout the day you will be able to reap the benefits of reduced stress and strain on your body.Seated posture while on a stability ball, naturally encourages proper spinal alignment and relieves spinal compression. Active sitting successfully strengthens your abdominals and back muscles, improves your balance and posture, and enhances your core stability - all while you sit. Evolution Chair users consistently report reduced incidence of back and neck pain, improved productivity and energy. Movement is essential for our health and the Evolution Chair provides us with a healthy way to sit.