RaineeBusby.com is a company dedicated to help organizations of all sizes to achieve and sustain operational excellence. The company was founded and is run by Rainee Busby, a seasoned leader and entrepreneur who brings unique, innovative solutions to her clients while leveraging her expertise in business management, operations, systems, and people strategy. We also leverage a powerful, yet simple, business management system called EOS© (Entrepreneurial Operating System) which builds a solid foundation necessary to grow a successful business. Rainee is continually sharpening her skills as one of more than 200 professionally trained EOS implementers across the world who come together on a quarterly basis to learn and share their experiences and best practices. Our expertise, combined with EOS, is a game-changer for fast-growing clients. We help them build the skills and show them how to use the tools to support their long-term success. We help them achieve their vision while getting what they want out of their business. EOS works for almost every industry.Contact Rainee Busby at rainee@raineebusby.com or 281.704.3339 for more information.