Manufacturing Coordinator at Patrick Henry Community College Foundation - Martinsville, VA, US
Community colleges change lives! Whether preparing to transfer, gaining or improving workplace skills, or enriching personal lives, students at P&HCC find their horizons expanding and their futures looking brighter. Exciting things are happening at P&HCC! Patrick Henry Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution committed to student success, lifelong learning, and enrichment of the quality of life in the region it serves. Situated on 137 acres, Patrick Henry is located approximately 3 miles north of the City of Martinsville. The college has several off-campus sites: the PHCC Site in Stuart; the IDEA Center (including the Fab Lab and Community Development) in Martinsville; the Culinary Arts Lab in Martinsville; and the Racing College of Virginia in Henry County.The PHCC Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation separate from the college. Its mission is to enhance community awareness of Patrick Henry Community College; to secure private contributions, bequests, and donations; and to account for, manage, and help appreciate monies or property submitted to the Foundation. Contributions to the Foundation may be made by gifts of cash, properties, or securities; by provision of a will; by gifts of insurance policies; or by the establishment of trusts. Funds received are distributed to advance the mission and goals of PHCC. Funds are used to support the programs of PHCC, foster better understanding of the college, recruit potential students, raise financial support for students in need, and enhance the overall quality of education. The Foundation is comprised of a Board of Directors of persons from the service area of PHCC.The PHCC Foundation provides scholarships on the basis of grades, community service or other requirements set forth by the donors. They are available to all qualified students enrolled at PHCC.