Sequoia Scientific, Inc. began operations in February 1995. The company's main business is to manufacture instrumentation and software for scientific research and environmental monitoring, and carry out academic research. The company's technological expertise is in electro-optics. The company's first product was the LISST-100 laser particle size distribution analyzer. Soon thereafter, derivative LISST products were added: LISST-ST for settling velocity distribution observations, the LISST-25 suspended sediment concentration sensor, the LISST-Portable instrument for streamside or shipboard use, and the LISST-FLOC for observation of large aggregate particles. The highly successful scientific software product HYDROLIGHT was transitioned from research to a commercial product in 1998. The newest products, LISST-SL and LISST-StreamSide became available in mid-2008, together with a completely redesigned LISST-Portable. The company's latest product, a submersible holographic camera, is expected to be available in late 2009.Sequoia maintains multiple research and instrument development contracts funded by various sources, including the Office of Naval Research, the Naval Research Laboratory, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and other recognizable commercial and government sponsors. These research contracts involve theoretical and observational studies in sediment transport in marine boundary layers, and in optical oceanography. Sequoia Scientific, Inc. is located in Bellevue, Washington, twenty minutes east of downtown Seattle. All research and commercial activities of the company are performed at the Bellevue facility.