Two Dogs Media is dedicated to provide the very best product to our clients. To be the very best, our production facilities are state of the art and we guarantee that we will deliver your media on time and at a reasonable price.Two Dogs Media is the first studio of it's kind. We have the only commercial webcast studio located on the P.A.T.H. in downtown Toronto. This makes it very convenient for busy keynotes to utilize the space.Through our previous business, Two Dogs Film and Video Production, we are well known in the industry and trusted by both executives and employees of the businesses we service.We have established a pricing structure that cannot be matched by the larger studios. By focussing on small projects (i.e webcasting) at low price point and keeping overhead small, we hope to earn your business.No customer is too small or too big. We want each experience to be our calling card. With superior technicians and excellent customer service, our goal is to have our clients help us grow the business by sharing their experiences with their colleagues and institutions.