Jeff Popiel

President & CEO at Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc - Denver, CO, US

Jeff Popiel's Contact Details
Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc
Jeff Popiel's Company Details
Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc logo, Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc contact details

Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc

Denver, CO, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. is an international leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of equipment used for sampling, monitoring and remediating groundwater and soil pollution. State-of-the-art manufacturing, machining, and extrusion capabilities allow Geotech to innovate cost-effective solutions to tough environmental problems for its extensive list of international government, consulting and private industry customers. In addition to its 125,000 square-foot Denver-based factory and headquarters, Geotech operates service centers in five states, a European Sales Center in Barcelona, Spain, plus a representative office in Beijing China. Geotech equipment meets environmental challenges on every continent! Geotech was recognized by US Secretary of Commerce, John Bryson in November 2011 with the Certificate of Excellence for Export Achievement. Due to the successful acquisition and integration of three companies in the recent past, Geotech is poised to grow when opportunities arise. Aggressive elimination of debt has opened doors for further growth through acquisitions. Geotech's LEAN manufacturing philosophy permeates all aspects of Geotech. From the rental department to the production floor and offices, all employees are graded monthly on the organization of their work area. This philosophy generates less waste of materials and labor, which leads to sustainability. Each employee is encouraged to provide ideas to improve not only upon their own work processes but enhancements to any product, process or department. Employee accountability is maintained through a public communications board as well as metrics of their objectives and success at meeting them. In 2010, Geotech received the Colorado Governor's Award for Excellence.

Groundwater Sampling Equipment Groundwater Monitoring Equipment Groundwater Remediation Equipment Soil Sampling Equipment Hydrocarbon Recovery Equipment Water Quality Equipment Water Level Equipment Equipment Air Quality Equipment Waste/Recycling/Environmental Services Nec Renewables & Environment Miscellaneous Manufacturing Manufacturing
Details about Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Popiel
Jeff Popiel currently works for Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc..
Jeff Popiel's role at Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. is President & CEO.
Jeff Popiel's email address is *** To view Jeff Popiel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jeff Popiel works in the Renewables & Environment industry.
Jeff Popiel's colleagues at Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc are Jerry Popiel, Mickele Bragg, Rob Gingell, Bryan Feack, Frank Gonzales, Peter Murray, Lee Oehring and others.
Jeff Popiel's phone number is 800-833-7958
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