Jeff Smith was president of Data Design Inc. Financial Services, a financial planning firm, for nearly 40 years and coin collecting has always been his passion. He started in September of 1991 as a way to gather and exchange information on rare and hard-to-find coins and stock certificates. Jeff has been buying and selling currency, stocks, and silver, gold, and platinum coins, since 1967!Notably, Jeff received a great deal of media attention for his auction of a stock certificate. This auction drew over 156,000 viewers and he received more than 3,000 e-mails from around the world. Related stories appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, USA Today, CNN, and several other television and radio stations.Jeff has put together some very rare, hard-to-find, and award winning collections for his clients. He enjoys helping people getting started in the hobby and still answers the phone here at a question? Give him a call today!