High Performance Through Process ImprovementWe are specialists in unlocking business potential by improving how work gets done. We map business processes to make them visible so that process owners can have insight as how to improve the performance of the processes and increase customer value. We identify which processes are critical to deliver reliable customer value and assist in identifying innovations and measures that can be applied to the processes to generate increased competitive advantage and agility. The result is we can assist businesses to execute strategy, improve performance and automate business processes to drive predicable, sustainable and profitable growth. We focus on Small and Medium Enterprises with between 25 and 250 employees in manufacturing, distribution, services and technology.Our services include:Business Process Improvement In order for any company to grow, it must improve its processes to create new value, to better serve customers and increase revenue. Our Process Improvement methodology provides the rapid discovery, modelling, analysis, redesign and implementation of value-driven processes. Business Innovation We focus on low-risk process innovation to reduce costs of production and operations. We identify and implement changes in the processes, systems and technology used to develop, launch and manage products and services, market and sell products and services, deliver and support products and services to improve customer value, customer experience and growth. We assist fast-moving companies who require radical and transformative business model innovation to disrupt "age-old" markets, by adapting, tweaking or inverting traditional business models to gain competitive advantage. Business Process Automation We take the risk and headache out of business process automation. We help identify and implement cloud based business applications that are easily or readily deployed for immediate use into the current business. These include ERP, CRM, E-Commerce and Marketing Solutions. These technologies, when applied to efficient operations or processes, magnify their efficiency.Scale Up Business We help businesses to scale up and enable exponential growth and market development. We ensure that all the value-adding core competencies are identified and where required, automated. Non- essential support processes are identified and where appropriate, outsourced. We ensure that Process Owners are identified and assume responsibility for day to day operations so that the business and personnel can operated independently and that the right people with the appropriate skills and knowledge are deployed to the appropriate value-adding processes.Business Process Intelligence We identify the performance measures of value-adding business processes that are the "vital signs" of organisational health. We build and implement performance management systems that align the business processes and the business process architecture with the organisations' strategic goals. We equip and enable managers to measure, monitor and control processes effectively. Value-driven Strategy Execution Roadmap We provide execution roadmaps for executing business strategy. We identify, prioritise and map value-driven business process, skills and knowledge required to deliver sustainable transformation initiatives faster and with greater certainty.