Washme Tv, Inc. is a Youth and community development program that addresses the following core issues facing communities: Education Technology Entrepreneurship Leadership Development In support of our mission, Washme Tv, Inc. offers three key programs to local communities - The Compeer Program, The Entrepreneurial Education Program and The Fund-raising Program. These programs work with each other to increase financial awareness and stability for our clients and their families and are designed to foster individual and collective financial success within Hernando, Pasco, Citrus Counties. The goal of Washme Tv, Inc. is to increase the entrepreneurial spirit, assist in employment opportunities in the community, assist the participants to retain, save and spent wisely the money earned, and in doing so, improve the quality of the workforce to sustain economic growth, enhance productivity and competitiveness, and reduce welfare dependency. We offer training and our programs promote successful job performance habits in order to remain productive citizens.