Manifest Wellness is a new era in counselling and personal development for men. We help guys develop their emotional intelligence and mental agility, so they understand themselves better. This helps them direct feelings and situations constructively and improves their overall level of function.We've taken the best of personal development, counselling and coaching techniques to create a model that behaves the way men do. Manifest's straight-talking counsellors are less about sympathy and more about action. We offer a clear 8 step process that is objective, practical, and measurable. Unlike most counselling services, most guys come between 6 and 10 times before feeling resolved.People can call or email to set-up an appointment and can attend either in person at our Vancouver office or online through secure PIPEDA-compliant video conferencing. We mutually agree on goals, metrics and milestones using a clear process to determine what you need to accomplish by when. You'll know what the next stage is because everything is quantified. And, you'll know when you're past your limitation as you'll feel resolved and ready to take your new learnings into the real world."One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as being the most beautiful". – Sigmund Freud