Cuentas Inc. ( Technology Holding Company ) Public Company (OTCQB: CUEN)A bank of people.We have created a prepaid debit card to meet the needs of a particular people.We see Mexican Americans unlisted and underbanked as important individuals and we try to know them and their specific needs at the apersonal level.that's why we do not say "the people". it's not personal enough. we have worked with people at the center, and we will work hard forEVERY ONE, EVERY DAY.PREPAID DEBT CARD SELECTED BY MILLIONSWith the prepaid Cuentas debit cards it is easy to shop online, pay bills and make daily purchases. There is no prepayment or credit card online and no minimum balance is required. Your money is protected from unauthorized browsing. You can manage your account online and track your expenses 24/7 with our mobile app.Cuentas, Inc. (OTCQB: NXGH) is a FinTech (Financial Technology) company utilizing technical innovation with existing and emerging technologies to deliver accessible, efficient and reliable mobile, new-era and traditional financial services to consumers.