A long time ago, in a land far far away… Umm, we will actually spare you that bit and skip ahead a few years…we'll begin with the exciting adventure that we embarked on a few months ago when we decided to start something that would be involved in, at its core, spreading happiness and good cheer. So here we are, with this line of quirky, fun and completely random range of products. We had a rollicking time creating it & we hope that you will have an even better time using it. We wanted to have more people hop onto our happiness bandwagon so we decided to take our products to the less fortunate kids as well. We have partnered with a couple of nonprofit organizations and we are currently working on a line of notebooks which are customized for them. The aim of this to make learning a more interesting and fun activity. We also use up a lot of our time ideating for customized product orders too. From weddings to office celebrations we can give you a whole box of ideas. P.S. – If the story has not managed to charm your socks off…drop a message – We are sure we can change your mind.