Jeffrey Scott specializes in helping landscape business owners to fix, scale or exit their businesses with ease.His clients discover how to maximize cash flow, create income, manage their roles, and plan and improve their teams efficiently so that they have more time and freedom in their personal lives.He has worked in the contract industry for over four decades and also has worked in the corporate world as a consultant. His expertise ranges from sales and operation to financing and management in the landscape and general contracting industries.Having built his own landscaping business into a very profitable $15 million enterprise, he is now coaching top landscaping business owners world-wide¬, and his clients (over 300 year to date!) on average see a 198% profit improvement in their first year. By incorporating the systems of thought and organization of his engineering studies with the human resource and financial acumen from his MBA, Jeffrey can empower landscape and general contractors to easily coordinate and develop their businesses.Through consulting, coaching, speaking and leading peer groups on topics such as:• Sales systems to improve sales, margins and closing ratios• Performance incentive plans, company profit sharing• Recruiting strategies guaranteed to work• Employee retention assessment and solutions• Creating "standard operating procedures"• Business planning: 1, 3 and 10 year visions• Company acquisitions, contingency and exit planning• Scaling and building companies to be self-runBusiness owners in the landscape, irrigation, lawn and tree industries working with Jeffrey typically achieve:-Outstanding sales growth- Increased net profit- Personal wealth- Significantly more personal timeIf you're interested in dramatic growth and significant profits for your landscaping or related green industry company, contact Jeffrey at