In February of 2015, the Ponemon institute published a survey showing that 43% of American businesses had experienced a security breach in 2014. Worse, they predicted that number to rise to 70% in 2015. Security is big news today, but most people don't have confidence that their defenses are adequate for the job and appropriate for their business.Our goal at Lithik Systems is to help businesses be prepared. We have performed hundreds of IT security audits that help our clients put their security dollars where they matter most. We have made the proprietary technology we use for audits available to the public in the Lithik Security Manager, an appliance/cloud hybrid system that manages and mitigates most network vulnerabilities using policy-based automation that lets your IT staff focus on hard problems worthy of their abilities rather than mindless drudgery better handled by automated systems.Check out both products at, or give us a call at 614-890-0026.