Anovium delivers high-impact digital technology solutions and innovation starting with discovery. We believe the future is in technology and redefining the human experience. Our mission is to empower people with technology today to solve the problems of tomorrow. Whether we are creating new products or helping corporations transform industries, we are innovators, tinkerers, visionaries, and problem-solvers. Our team is constantly iterating to improve solutions and ultimately the human experience. We believe collaboration and constant human feedback is critical to unlocking value and long-term success. We push ourselves and our clients to always think like a startup.We provide strategy, design, and execution for delivering high-impact digital technology solutions and innovation. Whether it be providing R&D for new product verticals, automating insights for the C-suite, modernizing legacy systems, or developing consumer-facing web/mobile applications, we help our clients deliver. We pride ourselves in treating our clients like partners.Let's improve tomorrow, today.