Our doctors, Craig Herther, MD, Thomas Benda, MD, and Gregory White, MD, are each certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and have many years of experience treating the spectrum of ear, nose and throat conditions. The doctors are trained in the latest, patient-friendly testing techniques and treatments to help resolve your concern, always with your best interests at heart.If you need surgery, you're in excellent hands with the Dubuque ENT physicians. They are skilled in all aspects of ENT surgery, from complex ear operations to more routine procedures such as tonsillectomy. Dr. White also offers specialized skill in the surgical treatment of head and neck cancers and other tumors. Together, the physicians offer a level of expertise you and your doctor can feel great about.While our doctors offer excellent, up-to-date testing and treatment, it's the way they care for you that makes them truly special. They are easy to talk with and will help you understand your condition and all the details of your treatment. Our patients often tell us how much they appreciate the kindness and personal attention they receive from the doctors – and that makes all the difference when it comes to any kind of medical care you need.