‘And' is the enemy of choice. Great brands are born from exclusion — they represent the act of making a conscious choice: This or that? Too often, however, the process of developing a brand strategy becomes This and that, compromising the core strategic focus. ‘And' is why many brands languish. They fail to choose. Chicken Or Egg exists to help organizations pull themselves out of their ‘Ands' to find their ‘Or' — a differentiated strategy that keeps your target feeding all decision-making. We love to work with organizations who embrace the power of confident decisions. Who know if you try to be everything to everyone, you won't mean anything to anyone. Who understand that it takes courage to say no to some things in order to say yes to the right thing. In other words, organizations brave enough to choose their ‘Or' over the temptation of infinite ‘Ands.'Let's find your 'Or' together.