Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL) expands life’s possibilities by sharing resources for knowledge, entertainment and community engagement. We provide discovery tools and innovative spaces to expand minds and create learning opportunities from early childhood through adulthood. Through our comprehensive offering of educational programs, services and helpful staff, AACPL is working to fulfill its mission to educate, to enrich and to inspire all members of the community. AACPL’s core values serve as the principles that guide our daily work and help us to plan the Library’s operations, functions and service to our customers. These values include: Commitment: We work with passion and resilience, dedicated to our personal best. Compassion: We are empathetic, patient and kind. Diversity: We celebrate the variety of backgrounds and experiences in our community and staff, treating everyone with respect. Empowerment: We foster a community of learning and growth for people of all ages. Informed decision-making: We listen and are responsive to our community and staff. Innovation: We encourage creativity, exploration and a sense of adventure. Integrity: We are honest, transparent and accountable. Teamwork: We work together in a spirit of cooperation. The Library offers an extensive collection of around one million items, including traditional print books, DVDs, CDs and Audiobooks as well as increasingly popular eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines. Valuable web-based Premium Resources, bring dozens of reliable and authoritative databases to library customers both in our branches and at home- all free of charge. From providing weekly Every Child Ready to Read classes at all 16 branches to bridging the summer learning gap through the long-standing Summer programs and providing online homework assistance and virtual library cards to all public school students, the Library is a key partner in the county’s primary and secondary education efforts.