Since 1976, we handcraft natural leather thimbles in Baden Württemberg, mixing fine Italian materials with German craftsmanship. We have 45 years of German experience, during which we have improved and enhanced our products and customer service.Progetta's leather thimbles are top quality, designed according to the European standards of safety equipment and compliant to the latest REACH legislation.Our products are handmade of natural cow leather, such as Suede and Nappa. They are available in five different sizes and multiple colours. Progetta is also able to manufacture products with your own materials. Leather thimbles are flexible, durable, while leaving large mobility for movements, in comparison to traditional gloves.Leather finger guards are used as a means of protection in various operations. Here are a few:Precious stones and metalsPolishingGrindingJewel craftingSmeltingFillingsElectroplatingFoundryEngraving metalworkMedicineArchery & FishingOn top of being easy to slip on and off while you work, our products are soft for a comfortable fit, yet strong enough to protect you in the case of an accident. Visit our website or Contact Us for more information.