Ascendas Systems Co. Ltd. is the newly fully-owned subsidiary of TechSource Systems in Thailand and Vietnam. TechSource Systems is the sole distributor in Southeast Asia for MathWorks Inc, developer of the MATLAB® and Simulink® family of products. We provide organisations and businesses with a variety of the best tools, products and services to facilitate innovations. Our clients include many research and development institutes as well as multinational companies operating in this region.We believe in value-added service and delivering solutions that enable scientific accuracy, speed, and precision. This gives our customers the advantage in the ever-changing market, to achieve precision in their design, testing, verification, implementation, and embedded deployment processes that ultimately lead to desired end-results.TechSource Systems currently has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Philippines, with its headquarters based in Singapore. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company and has been awarded Singapore's Outstanding Enterprise 2013 Award.