Jenn OShesky

Mentor Teacher/5th Grade Math Teacher at Darlington 01 School District - Darlington, SC, US

Jenn OShesky's Contact Details
Darlington 01 School District
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Darlington 01 School District logo, Darlington 01 School District contact details

Darlington 01 School District

Darlington, SC, US • 250 - 499 Employees

The Darlington County School District (DCSD) believes in challenging students and pushing their boundaries through classroom and life experiences, rigorous standards, and innovative teaching. The DCSD is a countywide district serving more than 10,000 students in 23 schools. All schools and the district are fully accredited on the state and national level by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools/AdvancED and the S.C. Department of Education. The DCSD provides challenging educational experiences for all children. In addition to regular classes, DCSD offers elementary and middle school magnet programs in the arts, sciences, mathematics, and technology. Three high schools offer academic magnet programs, including a top-ranked STEM school, an early college/dual-degree program, and an International Baccalaureate Programme. Students who struggle academically find help through our interventionists and computer-assisted learning. Darlington County School District is committed to providing a technology-rich education by providing a fully connected educational environment. The DCSD provides 1-to-1 personal computing devices for every student, K-12. Our robotics programs enhance STEM offerings while providing students with new ways to explore science, math, technology, and engineering. Our district also offers computer-based programs to evaluate and differentiate instruction, online coursework, and/or online credit-recovery tools for our students. The DCSD has an unwavering commitment to our teachers and administrators, providing them with the technology, training and support they need to create successful academic environments.

Education Schools school K12 school district high school junior high elementary
Details about Darlington 01 School District
Frequently Asked Questions about Jenn OShesky
Jenn OShesky currently works for Darlington County School District.
Jenn OShesky's role at Darlington County School District is Mentor Teacher/5th Grade Math Teacher.
Jenn OShesky's email address is *** To view Jenn OShesky's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jenn OShesky works in the Education Management industry.
Jenn OShesky's colleagues at Darlington 01 School District are Elizabeth Harrelson, Herlene Scott, Travis Byrd, Veronica Lee, Kristine Byrd, Susan McElveen, Kari Wilcox and others.
Jenn OShesky's phone number is ["8437831227"]
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