PR and marketing is all about developing your company's reputation; it cannot be bought but has to be nurtured over time. Your marketing activity should run alongside your sales activity to encourage awareness, recognition and trust amongst your existing and potential customers. It is vital to have a clear strategy for your marketing activity to ensure that you make the most of the time and budget devoted to it. We will help you analyse your business, your customers, your competitors and your business objectives and develop a strong strategy going forward. We will then create a robust programme of activity and a timing plan which will then be the foundation for everything you do in marketing and PR. If required we can then step in to help execute the plan, working as a marketing manager to free up your time. TRAIN TO GAIN Train to Gain is a Government initiative to give support to small and medium sized business. It is for training and counselling for business owners and senior members of staff which will help them to develop and grow their business. We have been working with a number of companies since the beginning of this year who have taken advantage of Train to Gain to develop a PR and marketing strategy and action plan. There is £500 available and then a further £500 if that is matched by your business; so you could get £1,500 worth of our time for an investment of £500. The pot is limited and once it is gone there is no guarantee that any other initiatives will take its place, so I am encouraging all my clients to apply for the funding as soon as they are able.