Hope Network is a faith-based nonprofit organization that assists low-income and disadvantaged families. The primary service area is the Raytown C-2 Consolidated School District. Raytown is a community of approximately 29,486 people. The average income of households in Raytown is nearly $50,000; however, over 11 percent of households in the city earn less than $300 each month. Hope Network focuses its mission on assisting individuals and families at or below that level. There are three characteristics of Hope Network that embody the organization's unique approach to social service: 1. Hope Network is geographically based. Its services are delivered primarily in Raytown, Missouri. Raytown has a limited number of nonprofit organizations specifically serving this mid-sized community. As a result, Hope Network is positioned to fill a great need. 2. Hope Network fosters inclusiveness by reaching beyond the faith community from which it started. 3. Hope Network is keenly aware of the importance of networking with other social service agencies. The organization regularly seeks out strategic partnerships, has implemented a referral process, has created a network of resources for the clients it serves, and has joined MAACLink (a city-wide network of social service agencies operated by the Mid-America Assistance Coalition). Reaching Out | Meeting Needs | Changing Lives