Rich. Cry. Sup./Spec. Projects at Community Action Commission of Erie, Huron & Richland Counties, Inc. - Sandusky, OH, US
Community Action Commission of Erie, Huron & Richland Counties, Inc. (CACEHR), in Sandusky, Ohio, joined the war against poverty in 1965. As a Non-Profit organization, we provide community service programs that are aimed to improve the living condition of the economically challenged sector of society. In our more than 50 years of operation, our nonprofit organization continues to strive hard in fulfilling our mission. We aim to promote self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life of those in need. Over the years, our organization has grown and developed so extensively that we are now widely recognized. Nowadays, we have several targeted services in effect. These cover the following areas or programs: Head Start, Home Energy Assistance Program, Winter Crisis Program, Percentage of Income Payment Plan, Summer Cooling Program, Essential Closet, Senior Nutrition, Food Pantry, Norwalk Shelter, Home Repair. Fatherhood and Motherhood Mentoring Program, and all Categorized Community Service Block Grant programs. Each service effectively solves a specific problem confronting the people we serve.