Supplying professional use lash and brow products globally, we've set our sights on changing the lash game….with one goal - lashes for everyone. So we're starting with a 2-in-1 system that will revolutionise the way lashes & brows are done - a combined lash lift and brow lamination treatment that can be carried out in just over an hour. It doesn't stop there. Driven by innovation & efficacy, our products are formulated to the highest quality, containing natural ingredients to help moisturise and hydrate the lashes so they feel as wow as they look. We offer a range of accredited training courses through our blended online learning programme, delivering training and support in a way that's as flexible and accessible as possible. We'll post all the latest news, innovations and job opportunities here but we'd also love to hear from you - whether you're looking for a new lash brand, wanting to change your lash game, add to your skill set, or share your #ilashhero success stories. We want to build a global community of lash lovers and can't do it without you so why not join us on our journey and be part of something amazing?