Jennifer DiDonato

Tutor at Chess At Three - New York, NY, US

Jennifer DiDonato's Contact Details
Greater New York City Area
Chess At Three
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Chess At Three

New York, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees

At Chess At Three, we understand the profound benefits of chess and the effectiveness of learning through storytelling. Chess At Three is revolutionizing early childhood education by using a unique story-based curriculum, that explains why chess pieces move the way they do. We pride ourselves in creating a fun and interactive learning environment that has children begging for more. This new approach enables children as young as three to comprehend the rules of chess, while developing a passion to continue playing outside of the learning environment. Chess is a game that acts as literal brain food:• Increasing IQs• Enhancing arithmetical skills• Honing verbal skills• Sharpening critical thinking• Boosting emotional intelligence• Raising self esteem• Instilling confidenceLet Us Teach:A network of Certified Story Tellers, hand selected and trained experts in our curriculum, who provide one-on-one lessons or group sessions in your home.Teach You To Teach:Provide Teachers, regardless of chess experience, with a cloud-based portal designed to teach you to teach our curriculum in your school.Learn more here:

Education Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Development Chess Education/Training Administration of Educational Programs Education Management
Details about Chess At Three
Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer DiDonato
Jennifer DiDonato currently works for Chess At Three.
Jennifer DiDonato's role at Chess At Three is Tutor.
Jennifer DiDonato's email address is *** To view Jennifer DiDonato's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jennifer DiDonato works in the Education/Training industry.
Jennifer DiDonato's colleagues at Chess At Three are Jon Sieber, Traci Bair, Mateo Ervin, Alexander Thompson, Chris Carswell, Kim Blanck, Winnie Stack and others.
Jennifer DiDonato's phone number is 844-692-2437
See more information about Jennifer DiDonato