"Bridge the Gap teaches professionals how to intentionally put genuine curiosity at the heart of any working relationship where understanding, collaboration, and respect are paramount for success. Packed with examples and tools, this is a truly practical guide to being effective at work in the 21st century." —Amy C. Edmondson, Professor at Harvard Business School; author of The Fearless Organization In today's increasingly polarized world, more people struggle to fully understand and respect one another as individuals. As a result, many lose sight of the importance of building and maintaining professional relationships; even forgetting to be curious and listen to others. And such interpersonal challenges can be business-blocking obstacles. Founders, speakers, and Fortune 500 leadership coaches, Jennifer Edwards and Katie McCleary, train professionals how to use the social psychology of human connection and curiosity to drive meaningful communication and collaboration at work. Bridge the Gap provides a reliable framework for open communication and better relationships, inspiring professionals to manage stress, biases, reactions, and judgments to optimize their effectiveness at work. The Book, Bridge The Gap: Breakthrough Communication Tools to Transform Work Relationships from Challenging to Collaborative is forthcoming from McGraw-Hill, February 15, 2022 and available in bookstores everywhere.