Integrated public relations, social marketing, digital production & marketing communications campaigns for B2B and B2C companies & non profits worldwide: WebEx, SimpliSafe, Juniper Networks, TomoTherapy, Constant Contact, Conduit, Tumri, WaveMarket, Powwownow, Reality Digital, Ezmo (acquired by Microsoft), Sosius, Salesnet (acquired by RightNow), (acquired by WebEx), Sermo, HealthLeap, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, WaveMark etc. “Best Tech PR” finalist, TechCrunch Crunchies. “One of a handful of PR agencies adept at successfully combining traditional PR & social media marketing,” & 1 of 6 consistently named by respondents as “top considered” PR firms to switch to, ZDNET research report. "Best Public Relations Agencies to Work For,” Holmes Report; “Best of the Best” by industry journalists year over year in PR Source Code’s annual survey. Founder Christine Perkett - ‘Top 25 Authorities Moving PR Forward’; “Best PR Executive,” “Best Agency Executive” & “Best Entrepreneur - Service Businesses” - American Business Awards; PRNews PR People Awards. Featured twice in BusinessWeek’s Social Media Report & “social media guru” in Women’s Entrepreneur, also ABC’s Good Morning America, Boston Business Journal, Entrepreneur, Mass High Tech, PR Week, PR News, etc. Featured in “Twitter Means Business" by Julio Ojeda-Zapata, New York Times & WSJ bestseller, "Will Work From Home," by Tory Johnson, of ABC’s Good Morning America, "Inside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices" by Aspatore Books, "Entrepreneurial Small Business" by McGraw Hill. Executives are regularly keynote speakers at PR, marketing & social media industry conferences. With the foresight and flexibility to rapidly adapt and stay ahead of an ever-evolving market, we help clients achieve their business goals. Follow us - Read us - (AdAge Power 150) Become a fan - www.facebook/perkettpr