Co-Owner | Fitness Club Management Solutions | Fitness Club Video Streaming Software | Online Class at XStreaming Fitness - West Des Moines, IA, US
XStreaming Fitness is a technology advocate for fitness clubs and fitness club owners allowing them to market group fitness classes beyond their standard bricks and mortar locations to current clients and clients beyond their marketing footprint. With the integration of XStreaming Fitness programs in the existing structure of a fitness club, the boundaries of membership disappear, allowing maximum membership recruitment and class variety opportunities.Club owners all over the country are fighting the same fitness club challenges; membership drops, low profitability, and inconsistent class sizes. This volatility affects your bottom line, as well as the motivation and morale of your staff.Fitness club owners and managers spend thousands of dollars each month to attract new members, only to be challenged with higher membership retention costs, higher demands on management and clients, resulting in over 24% churn!Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Xstreaming Fitness is a turnkey solution to meet the demands and desires of the club member; to become more fit despite less time, less flexibility and less options.Are you ready to turn your membership model around and cut the churn for good?With Xstreaming Fitness your clients will be able to reap the benefits of your personalized workouts from the comfort of home, when it's convenient for them, without having to fight traffic or the weather EVER again! No more limiting class sizes, either - with no brick and mortar constraints, you can have as many class members as demand dictates!Call us today at 515-966-4348!