Author of Ice Luminary Magic: The Ice Wrangler's Guide to Making Illuminated Ice Creations at Wintercraft - Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Wintercraft™ - the manufacturer of Globe Ice Lantern Kits, Supplies and Luminary Creations. For three decades the artists of Wintercraft™ have been creating globe ice lanterns -- magical, glacial candle-holders -- all year ‘round. Friends marvel at these spherical shells of ice, the center of which glows with radiant flame. The gleaming candlelight dancing through the glass of nature evokes pure wonderment. There’s something timeless about these glimmering lanterns that spurs thoughts of the world’s first lamp-lighters. Surely they, too, knew the secret of mixing fire and ice to cast light upon darkness. Now the secret is yours as well! We are so pleased to be able to offer the kits and replacement supplies to make Globe Ice Lanterns through Wintercraft™. How to get started? Go to our website and check out our list of fine retail stores or shop online to find the kits and supplies needed to light a globe ice lantern in your own corner of world. Also, we encourage you to attend one of our events where we'd love to meet you in person. Or, read about up-to-date news! Enjoy the glow!