For over 35 years Directory of Major Malls has been the leading source of detailed information on the major shopping centers and malls throughout the US and Canada. Currently, the dataset includes over 8,500 listings of open-air, power, community, off-price, hybrid, multi-user, Lifestyle/Specialty Centers, and enclosed malls. Our comprehensive database includes over 318,000 tenants and 42,000 real estate contacts associated with the shopping centers/malls. Formats include online subscription access with integrated mapping at, custom databases, and licensed datasets with long/lat coordinates available directly and through our network of resellers. Details on our suite of products and Free queries of current data may be run at our website http://shoppingcenters.comRetail Boundary Polygons, custom data, prospecting lists of owners, property managers, marketing directors, and leasing agents.Recent product development includes a strategic alliance to offer Retail Trade Areas based upon mobile device data A true "Reality vs Rings" perspective to truly understand who actually visits your location. Contact us for more insight.