Financial Investment Advisor (Securities are offered through Titan Securities member FINRA|SIPC) at - Rowlett, TX, US
When properly evaluated, chosen, and incorporated, individual investors can realize some of the same benefits that large investors have had access to for years. Many have found alternative investments to be a useful way to increase overall portfolio diversification. And while there are many factors that go into determining whether alternative products are the right fit for you and your specific situation, taking into account such things as your overall (long-term) financial goals, tax implications, and risk profile, our team can help you to understand not only what alternative investments are, but how they might fit into your long-term financial plan. As a part of a long-term investment strategy, alternative investments may provide a way to obtain diversification within a portfolio of more traditional investments. Typically used to hedge risk, they can also be very speculative, employing strategies that may include the use of derivatives. They may also impose short term redemption fees and involve additional investment risks, including liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is defined as the lack of marketability of a security resulting in the inability to buy or sell quickly to prevent or minimize a loss. There's also the potential for complete loss of principal, the amount possibly even exceeding the original amount invested.