Jennifer Roe

Advisor Services Coordinator at Frontier Asset Management LLC - Sheridan, WY, US

Jennifer Roe's Contact Details
Frontier Asset Management LLC
Jennifer Roe's Company Details
Frontier Asset Management LLC logo, Frontier Asset Management LLC contact details

Frontier Asset Management LLC

Sheridan, WY, US • 50 - 99 Employees
Investment Bank/Securities Brokerage

Frontier Asset Management, LLC, founded in 2000 and based in Sheridan, Wyoming (1,939 miles from Wall Street), is an independent national asset manager that supports and manages strategies for the clients of investment advisors. Frontier is an investment industry innovator with expertise in investment manager due diligence, asset allocation, and investment strategy design, and implementation. Frontier is dedicated to continuous innovation of its investment process and services as well as being independent of conventional thought. Frontier delivers mutual fund and ETF strategies through its partnerships with independent financial advisors. Our Globally Diversified and Alternative Strategies have a 20-year performance track record and have consistently outperformed their benchmarks. We believe in looking forward, not backward and therefore as the investment landscape changes the process used should also evolve. 2019 Manager of the Year by Investment Advisor magazine and Envestnet | PMC. 2019 SMA Strategist of the Year by Investment Advisor magazine and Envestnet | PMC. 2015 SMA Strategist of the Year by Investment Advisor magazine and Envestnet | PMC.

investment management complementary genius mutual funds investment services ETFs asset allocation manager selection strategy construction Investment Bank/Securities Brokerage Management Investment Open-ended Investment Management
Details about Frontier Asset Management LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Roe
Jennifer Roe currently works for Frontier Asset Management, L.L.C..
Jennifer Roe's role at Frontier Asset Management, L.L.C. is Advisor Services Coordinator.
Jennifer Roe's email address is *** To view Jennifer Roe's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jennifer Roe works in the Investment Management industry.
Jennifer Roe's colleagues at Frontier Asset Management LLC are Tracy Billings, Dan Cupertino, Matthew Selman, David Ulm, Cole Arney, Jenna Fiorito, Erin Foote and others.
Jennifer Roe's phone number is 307-673-5675
See more information about Jennifer Roe