Vice President, Operations, West December 2009- Present Coast to Coast Cleaning Lees Summit, Mo Full Service Janitorial Company, Coast to Coast is a nationwide company that provides service to theaters, restaurants and hotels in 39 states. Reviews and approves adequate plans for the control of planned outputs, budgets spending, labor efficiency, materials efficiency, engineering effectiveness, customer service, and order entry efficiency, along with human utilization. •Reviews and approves cost control reports, cost estimates, and manpower and facilities requirements forecasts. •Defines and recommends corporate operations policy within the Operations Department. •Coordinates activities of assigned activities with those of other company units. Seeks mutual agreement on problems involving coordination. •Keep employees informed as to company/department plans and progress. Consults with all segments of management responsible for policy or action. Ensures compliance within are of responsibility. Makes recommendations for improving effectiveness of policies and procedures. •Develops and presents to the Senior Vice President matters requiring a decision. •Presents monthly reports on performance as required by the Chief Financial Officer.