Jennifer Smith

Purchasing Analyst at HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets - Oklahoma City, OK, US

Jennifer Smith's Contact Details
Oklahoma City,Oklahoma,United States
HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets
Jennifer Smith's Company Details
HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets logo, HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets contact details

HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets

Oklahoma City, OK, US • 100 - 249 Employees

HAC, Inc. grocery chain is headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. As of 2021 HAC operates 80 grocery stores in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Georgia. HAC operates under multiple banners including Food World, Piggly Wiggly, United, Cash Saver and Homeland. Homeland is HAC's largest banner as well as Oklahoma's largest locally-owned grocery store chain with 36 locations statewide. HAC has been 100% employee-owned since 2011.

Details about HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets
Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith currently works for HAC, Inc. dba Homeland, United Supermarkets, and Cash Saver.
Jennifer Smith's role at HAC, Inc. dba Homeland, United Supermarkets, and Cash Saver is Purchasing Analyst.
Jennifer Smith's email address is *** To view Jennifer Smith's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jennifer Smith works in the Retail industry.
Jennifer Smith's colleagues at HAC, Inc. dba Homeland Stores, Country Mart, and United Supermarkets are Juanita Morgan, John Cripe, Kelly Phan, Kaye Parker, Cristina Roach, Kerrie Johnston, Vickie Homelvig and others.
Jennifer Smith's phone number is 405-290-3000
See more information about Jennifer Smith