Director of Professional Practice & Research at Saskatchewan College of Paramedics - Regina, SK, ca
The Saskatchewan College of Paramedics (SCoP) is a regulatory body that was established in 2008 by The Paramedics Act. The title of Paramedic is a protected term, and any paramedics working or volunteering in Saskatchewan must be registered as a member with SCoP.There are currently five licence levels in Saskatchewan, each with their own educational requirements and scope of practice. The levels are: Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Primary Care Paramedic (PCP), Intermediate Care Paramedic (ICP), Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP), and Critical Care Paramedic (CCP). The College also endorses licensed Community Paramedics.Paramedicine is a self-regulating profession in Saskatchewan. SCoP is governed by a Council and committees made up of members and public representatives. The mandate of SCoP is protection of the public. Our mission is to protect and serve the public interest through regulatory oversight of the paramedic profession. Our vision is to collaboratively build a profession that is a continually engaged partner, and fully utilized in a patient-centered health care system.