Fellowship of the Emirates is an imperfect church full of imperfect people. So, if you're not perfect, you'll fit right in with us! We are a diverse group of people who meet every Friday to pursue a shared interest in our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you've relocated to the United Arab Emirates, are searching for a church family or are just curious about spiritual matters, we welcome you to Fellowship of the Emirates. We hope you will have the opportunity to visit one of our Friday Services soon, and find community in one of our 2:42 home groups. Fellowship of the Emirates is a come-as-you-are church family that loves to see new faces, in fact, we especially encourage people who are new to Christianity to check us out. Our motto is actually to be ‘a church for people who think they don't like church', so if you think you don't like church, why not try us out? Friday services are for us to meet together as a church to praise, pray, and learn about God and Jesus, His son.