Zantiks Ltd is based in the UK and supplies model organism researchers throughout the world with robust, versatile, easy-to-use equipment for behavioural studies. We develop our products in close collaboration with researchers, and then offer them for sale throughout the world.Zantiks enables animal behaviour to be measured simply. Zantiks' automated behavioural units are complete, networked systems. Our small, affordable units standardise locomotor activity monitoring (circadian, toxicological, genetic), simple learning experiments (startle, habituation), and operant conditioning experiments (5CSRTT). Results from live video tracking are processed in real-time: data are immediately available for statistical analysis. Units provide an isolated, consistent environment, are equipped with visual and vibratory stimuli, and are delivered with appropriate cages, tanks and inserts. Control is from any networked device capable of web browsing (phone, tablet, laptop, netbook, desktop). The larger units can deliver solids and liquids (food rewards and chemical stimuli), as well as aversive stimuli (electric shocks). Zantiks units are currently available in three sizes and are designed for use with model organisms including mice, adult zebrafish (Zantiks AD), larval zebrafish, Drosophila and Daphnia (Zantiks MWP), and coming soon a unit for rats and shoals of fish (Zantiks LT). The units may also be used with many other species.