-- New York University entrepreneurship club with a focus on China & the world.ChNGE at NYU serves to strengthen the understandings of and the interactions within the Sino-American Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital ecosystem through hosting of events featuring investors, professionals, and entrepreneurs. The club is devoted to the educational and professional development of its members with a focus on nurturing a diverse global community of aspiring individuals. ChNGE@NYU 是NYU Entrepreneurship Institution 唯一公认的中美创新创业社团。属于纽约大学孵化器里Leslie eLab的NYUEN Network — 全校最广最全的官方创业社区。对接丰富的资源与连接的平台使我们拥有纽约市创业生态环境里最优势的关系来助大学生们发展自身的潜力与梦想。Email: nyuchnge@gmail.com Website: www.nyuchnge.comFollow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/NYUChNGE/