A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA) at A*STAR Infectious Diseases Labs - ID Labs - Singapore, , Singapore
As part of a national initiative to gear up the country's preparedness and defence against the threat of emerging infections, the A*STAR Infectious Diseases (ID) Labs was established. Led by Professor Lisa Ng, ID Labs is bringing together experts from across multi-disciplines to drive and deliver translational infectious diseases research for better health and economic outcomes. ID Labs aspire to integrate research and collaborations to provide avenues for multi-disciplinary activities with translational outcomes. Steered with transformative scientific advances, ID Labs' research will translate to the prevention, treatment, and cure of infectious diseases for the benefit of our society.Our research is articulated in 4 cross-cutting programmes.> Vector-borne Diseases> Respiratory Diseases> Anti-Microbial Resistance> Epidemic Prepardness