Student Painters is a program designed to help teach students how to run a small business. As a student in our program, you will develop communication and business skills through a summer of REAL BUSINESS WORLD EXPERIENCE. These skills will make you more attractive to full-time employers upon graduation, and better prepare you for the real world that awaits. We believe our program to be superior, in specifics, to any undergraduate business program in the country because the experience gained is live; it is real. This is why our program is only for “elite” students. We provide significant training and support, but it will be up to the manager to make tough decisions, such as what to do with an employees who show up late to work. Business courses cannot provide letters of recommendation from satisfied clients, or develop subordinates into promotions, or earn real profits. We provide this experience by putting managers in a position of responsibility. We develop entrepreneurs by putting students in the position of having to make real and tough decisions, and allowing them to reap the rewards and learn from their mistakes. This is why our program is so special and why full-time employers are so attracted to these exceptional students: individuals that are not afraid to take on the ultimate development opportunity even though it requires significant commitment and maturity.