Whether incurred at work, in a car accident, or in a public place, personal injury devastates lives. Personal injury robs everyday people of their time and money and (more importantly) their health and independence. Yet all too often, the many burdens of personal injury resulting from the negligence and carelessness of others are borne solely by the victims and their families. Personal injury frequently results in: * lost wages and salary * time consuming medical care (including doctor and hospital visits and physical therapy) * overwhelming insurance and medical bills.At the Law Offices of Jeremy Flachs, our clients benefit from our many years of experience specializing in Virginia and District of Columbia personal injury law. Our Virginia office, located in Fairfax County and close to Alexandria and Arlington, represents a variety of injury claims, including: * brain injury * multiple fractures * spinal cord and disc injuries * injuries resulting from car accidents * police brutality * medical malpractice * product liability (including machinery-related injuries) * bad faith denial of insurance claim benefits