In January of 1960, Mr. Pope Weems, owner of the only funeral home in Paulding County, passed away suddenly. February of the same year Mr. Hubert A. Martin and his wife Betty purchased the firm from Mrs. Mildred Weems. The funeral home was a former wood framed two story building that had been adapted for use as a funeral home(it was located across the street from the County Courthouse). In 1969 Mr. Martin acquired land at the present location 123 Watson Drive in Dallas and work began the current wood and masonry constructed Funeral Home. After two years the building was completed and open house was held August of 1971. Jeff Eberhart started to work there in June of 1975 as an apprentice Embalmer and Funeral Director. Jeff was also a Georgia certified Emergency Medical Technician. Jeff worked both ambulance and Funeral Home aspects of the Funeral Home operations. August 30, 1982 Jeff Eberhart and Sam Clark purchased the Funeral Home from Hubert and Betty Martin. Less than one year later Jeff purchased Sam Clark's interest in the firm and the name was changed to Jeff Eberhart Funeral Home. Jeff continued as the manager until his sudden passing in May 2013. Jeremy Hicks came to work with Jeff in June 1994 and worked with Jeff until May 2005. In April 2017 Jeremy came home to be Manager Funeral Director and along with his devoted staff continues to serve the families with same values and service they grew to expect under Jeff. We stand ready 24/7 to assist you and your family in your time of need. "Come home to the service you remember"